

2024 Gender in Gandhāran Art Representations and Interactions in the Buddhist Context (1st – 4th centuries CE). Turnhout: Brepols. PDF

Book chapters

2024 The Dream of Queen Māyā in Gandhāran Art. In: M.Mendoza and B.Antela‑Bernárdez (eds.), Elite Women in Hellenistic History, Historiography, and Reception, pp. 141–162. Turnhout: Brepols. PDF
2024 Towards Identifying Bhikṣuṇīs in Gandhāra. In: S. Basu Majumdar (ed.), Transcending Boundaries: Premodern Cultural Transactions across Asia. Essays in Honour of Osmund Bopearachchi, pp. 481–496. New Delhi: Primus. PDF
2021 Globalization and Gandhāran art. In: S. Autiero & M. Cobb (eds.), Globalisation and Transculturality from Antiquity to the Pre-Modern World, pp. 226–244. London: Routledge. PDF

Journal Articles

2024 A Prolegomenon to the Visual Language of Dance in Gandhāra, Religions 15, 1– 20. PDF
2023 Towards Investigating the Representation of Gandhāran Female Donors, Arts Asiatiques 78, 5– 21. PDF
2023 Female euergetism in Gandhāra: Investigating local evidence, Mediterraneo Antico 26, 213– 231. PDF
2021 Dynamic Encounters: The Use of a Hellenistic Motif in the story of Aṅgulimāla in Gandhāran art, Parthica: incontri di culture nel mondo Antico 23, 97– 109. PDF
2020 Review: The Greek Experience of India from Alexander to the Indo-Greeks by Richard Stoneman, American Journal of Philology 141(1), 133–135. PDF
2018 Indo-Roman Trade at Arikamedu: A contextual analysis of finds from the UCL Institute of Archaeology Collection, University of Oxford: International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology 3, 91–108. PDF

Last updated on Septembre 2024.